Been using github with Netbeans and sometimes Eclipse for 2 - 2,5 years on school projects. I'm not an expert as I've allways limited myself to push, pulls and resolving conflicts, and just recently took up using branches to develop in separate environments on the same projects. ... ce_ControlThe link above suggests using Git is entirely possible, but it probably requires some moderating. One idea that pops into mind, if git has that power, is to make branches for tasks, components, modules and whatever that needs to be done. Then add individual collaborators that has volunteered for the task to the specific branch, allowing them to add to code in a separate environment. This leaves the one with the rights to the master build being able to investige the code, and can then make the decision to implement it, or leave some feedback for better solutions on sourceforge.
It would work exactly the same as how we've been communicating with this forum, but reading code and etc. on sourceforge would be much simpler and more convenient.
I have two more school assignments to catch up with, but I plan to finish them before I go to bed, leaving me free for the weekend, so I could investigate version control in AGS if you want me to.